Monday, March 29, 2010

From Colombia to Chile

On February 27, 2010, an earthquake devastated central and southern Chile, with its epicenter in Cobquecura, Biobío Region, with a magnitude of 8.8 MW. The earthquake triggered a tsunami that affected a number of coastal towns from Valparaiso to the region of Araucania. Over 800 people lost their lives and 2 million more have been displaced by this disaster.
The Chilean community organized a fundraiser “Houston Ayuda a Chile” and the Colombian Orchid Ballet made a special performance in order to bring the hope back to Chile.

“The dance we will be performing is meant to renovate the spirits of the Chilean community. Our goal is to spread the message of hope of a new beginning, through a journey of the eastern regions of Colombia, popular for its magical sunrises.
A new day, a sunrise.”

Felipe Acosta, Director of the Colombian Orchid Ballet and Founder of Folklore Spectrum said,
“It is the Colombian Orchid Ballet’s mission to transform lives through culture,
music and folklore. Our hearts go out to our brothers and sisters in Chile and we are honored to provide the magic of dance at the Houston Ayuda A Chile fundraising event.”

He added: It was very touching for us while we were singing Si Vas para Chile, to see how the crowd in tears was hugging and singing”…

At the end we all scream out loud CHI, CHI, CHI, LE-LE-LE, VIVA CHILE!

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Rodrigo Ahumada said...

Yo fui unos de los que organizo el evento “Houston Ayuda a Chile”. Cuando el grupo Colombian Orchid Ballet canto “Si vas para Chile” no sabia muy bien que estaba pasando pero cuando me uni a la multitud, vi a todos mis familiares abrazados en lagrimas cantando. Fue una cancion muy emotiva que de verdad llego al corazon de todos los Chilenos presentes ese dia! Colombian Orchid Ballet de verdad muchas gracias por la cancion y por todo el apoyo que nos han brindado.

Rodrigo Ahumada

Dalila Melo said...

It was an honor for me to dance at the fundraiser for Chile, after their devastating earthquakes our Chilean brothers and sisters needed a helping hand. The Colombian Orchid Ballet was there to do so. The reaction to our performance was incredible, some people cryed, including me!! I heard Viva Colombia, Viva Chile, Chi Chi Chi Chileeee. Two countries united with the same purpose, to heal the planet, to send funds for those who needed the most and to say “Presente” we care…

Felipe Acosta said...

Desde el comienzo de la presentacion hasta el final, senti un sin numero de sentimientos que corrian por mi corazon. Al gritar !Arriba Colombia!, la respuesta del publico fue inmediata, comenzamos a zapatear al ritmo del harpa de los llanos orientales y sentia como la gente se colmaba de fuerza al vibrar del escenario.
Durante cada vuelta veia como la sonrisa de los padres y familias se volvia parte de la presentacion. Al terminar de zapatear los aplausos fueron silenciados por la incertidumbre del comienzo de la guitarra de la cancion Si Vas para Chile, en donde, me fue bastante dificil mantener la sonrisa, pues me sentia muy cerca a Chile y al gran corazon que caracteriza a nuestros hermanos chilenos.
Hubo partes donde la fuerza de mi vos la perdia y el llanto de emocion me invadia al ver que el publico entero se encontraba asi como yo, abrazados, en lagrimas, con la esperanza de un nuevo amanecer.
Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le, Viva CHILE!

Anonymous said...

As I held the Colombian flag up during the presentation (in a ballet position of course), I felt a wave of pride wash over me. Even though I was born in the U.S. and have never been to Colombia, I was proud to represent the country that is is a big part of my background. The whole experience was overwhelming, to say the least. It was great to see how the dancing and the music touched everybody in the audience.

Anonymous said...

I thought the ballet for Chile was amazing for everybody because it was showing that we care about anybody. Holding the flag might bee something little but really its means a HUGE deal. The perfomance made everyobdy from Chile feel better(: And i hope the fundraiser help chile!